Executive Director and Assistant Director

Bob Rodgers (Katherine)
Bob and Katherine both grew up in Western Washington. They joined the NICE family in 1982 and Bob has served pastorates in Keyport, WA; Culdesac, ID; and Hailey, ID. In 2002, they returned to their home area to assist and encourage NICE missionaries in Western Washington and Alaska as Washington and Alaska Field Director. On October 1, 2010, Bob assumed responsibility as Executive Director of NICE. Contact Rodgers here.

Robert Zink (Bethany)
Robert and Bethany have served as missionaries in Argentina with Biblical Ministries Worldwide and pastored a small church in Longview, WA. Robert began as the Assistant Director August 1, 2024 and in the spring will become Director Designate. Contact Zinks here.
Hispanic Ministry Region

Jesús Córdova (Maria)
After working as church planters with First Fundamental Bible Church of Monterey Park, California, the Córdovas came to the Pacific Northwest in 1994 to join the NICE Family. Since 1994, they have been instrumental in beginning 6 Hispanic churches here in the Northwest. In addition to planting churches, they began a School of Ministry in 2007 to train Hispanic pastors and Sunday school teachers. In addition to overseeing Hispanic Ministries, Jesús currently pastors Iglesia Cristo Vive in Salem, OR. Contact Cordovas here.
Inland Northwest Region

Roger Hayden (Emily)
Roger, with his first wife, Karen brought many years of pastoral ministry in Idaho, Washington, and California before Karen went home to heaven after a battle with cancer in 2012. The Lord has blessed Roger bringing Emily into his life and they were married in February of 2018. In addition to service as Inland Northwest Field Director, Roger also ministers as pastor of Cambridge (ID) Bible Church. Contact Roger here.
Pacific North Region

Bob Allen (Judi)
Bob and Judi Allen joined the NICE family in 1992 after serving two terms as missionaries in Belgium. Bob’s responsibilities with NICE have included Ethnic Ministries Director and Financial Officer. Judi worked in the NICE office and then for many years as secretary at Edgewood Bible Church (formerly Valley Bible Church). The Allens have assisted at Hobart Community Church, WA since 2000 as Church Team Missionaries. Contact Allens here.
Pacific Central Region

Robert Zink (Bethany)
Robert and Bethany have served as missionaries in Argentina with Biblical Ministries Worldwide. They joined the NICE Family as an Associate in 2021. They also pastored a small church in Longview, WA. Contact Zinks here.
Pacific South Region

Nate Shinn (Muriel)
Nate and Muriel have served with NICE since 1985 serving in California and Ashland Bible Church, Oregon since 1996. Nate also serves on the NICE Board of Directors. Contact Shinns here.