
”until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood to the measure  of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”
(Ephesians 4:13 ESV)


Bridge4Growth exists to build a network of connections that influence NICE pastors and churches to embrace and strengthen key values in their service to the glory of God.


Bridge4Growth envisions NICE pastors and churches at a dynamic level of spiritual health and reproduction.


Bridge4Growth provides encouragement, resources and help for pastors and churches to implement the following five specific objectives:

  • To promote Biblical Leadership whose character qualities reflect the image of Christ, and in which ministry skills are enhanced for greater influence.
  • To develop Healthy Churches which involves providing guidance, assessment, help and resources for churches to be vibrant, healthy, and reproducing entities in carrying out the Great Commission.
  • To purposefully Mentor the Next Generation which involves preparing the younger generation in aspects of pastoral ministry through practical training and counsel by experienced shepherds.
  • To challenge churches toward Engaged Outreach which involves promoting opportunities to reach communities to fulfill reaching the nations globally.


Bridge4Growth will seek a plan of action to incorporates practical methods to achieve the outlined objectives above by working together as pastors and churches to reach our overall purpose and vision.

If you would like to be an encouragement and blessing in the Bridge4Growth project, please click the button below. Thank you so much and the Lord bless!